best blood glucose monitors

Find The Foods Increasing Your Risk of Type II Diabetes.

Everyone is different, therefore, we shouldn't expect our body to react the same to every food. Stop guessing, start testing, methodically find the foods that cause your blood glucose levels to spike and reduce or eliminate them from your daily nutrition habits.

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    “We saw that some folks who think they’re healthy actually are misregulating glucose — sometimes at the same severity of people with diabetes — and they have no idea.”

    Michael Snyder PhD

    Chair of Genetics, Stanford University

    What you get:

    You get an e-booklet with reviews of the best blood glucose monitors on the market today.

    This reduces the overwhelm of knowing which device to choose out of the hundreds available.. and saves you the time of having to read reviews and compare prices etc.

    What is it all about?

    We're told which foods are bad for us, and which foods are good for us. Yet all of us are different.

    Research has shown that there is no single nutrition regime (diet) that is the best.

    The mistake we make is thinking that good nutrition is the food that we eat. We don't take into account that the food we eat will interact with our body differently depending upon our microbiome, genetics or lifestyle.

    So find out what foods suit YOU best, and start checking your blood glucose levels with one of our recommended blood glucose monitors.